I am a Christian. I realize that statement means different things to different people. I feel it is important to understand what it means to me. I don't just simply believe that Jesus was a good man and if I am a good man, I will go to heaven. I believe that I am a sinner and because of my sins, I deserve to go to hell, but God, in His grace, sent his Son, Jesus, to die in my place. As a result, my sins are paid for and it is for that reason, I get to spend eternity with God in heaven. Not only that, but my life on earth has a unique hope and joy that only comes from truly knowing your Creator. I say all that so that you can understand where I am coming from when I say this:
Nothing makes me want to throw the remote through the TV more than when I hear someone say "America was founded on Christian Principles." No, I take that back. I actually heard Sarah Palin tell Bill O'Rielly something along the lines of "the Constitution is based on Biblical principles." The worst part was, O'Rielly agreed with her. He even used the transitive property to prove that our founding documents come from the Ten Commandments! This angers the stew out of me. Do you know why? Because it's not true! I have read the entire Bible. I have read the entire US Constitution. There are no parallels. None. Any non-biased person would easily come to that conclusion. I can't find anything resembling representative democracy in the Bible. I don't know why Christians continue to make claims like this. We should stop saying these things because they aren't true. That's not very Christian.
O'Rielly and Palin were discussing this because President Obama declined to participate in or acknowledge the National Day of Prayer. What is up with the National Day Of Prayer? Do we NEED a national day to remind us to pray for our country? Shouldn't we be what Paul said in 1st Thessalonians 5:17 and always be praying? Isn't the National Day Of Prayer going against what Jesus says in Matthew 6:5-7?
Why are other Christians so eager to want to believe our Government was somehow set up with Christian principles? Do you want a theocracy? Aren't you glad the government can't mess with your faith? Are you not thankful for the freedom of worship that this country views as an absolute right? Do you think that if there were parallels, it would make your life easier? I am ok with the fact that there are no parallels between the Bible and the Constitution. One is a list of rules regarding how our federal government should operate. The other is the story of God relating to His creation.
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